Week 11 - Nearing Supporting, Yet Still Inconclusive

 Hello all, thanks for keeping up with me on this wavy journey.

This past week we have continued with our trials. During each test many sounds have been detected. We began with testing the tomato plants since the nicotine never did sprout. The first tests run did not detect anything except background noise, and a lot of it. Then to attempt to isolate the plants alone we used a sound box. This did absolutely nothing, still only picking up background noise. Then over spring break I took the subjects home to run tests. This was done to keep an eye on the plants while on break, but also to test without the constant sound of the air conditioning units running. These tests seemed promising at first, and then at second glance revealed that the negative controls were also picking up sounds that must have been coming from somewhere in my house, which is still unknown. This past week test were run in the grow box at school hoping to filter all other sounds. These tests singularly used the bat detectors to capture noise. This too seemed very promising at first, yet is became clear that somehow the bat detector which has been set to pick up noise between 20-150kHz, was picking up a women's voice from other classrooms. On a side note, this is very interesting, because women are only supposed have a talking frequency between 165-255Hz. So I am very curious how the bat detector tracked this. This latest test has helped to know better how to graph the frequencies found. And if we are able to eliminate some other other noises we may have potentially supporting data in the clicks that were also detected. Next we will keep continuing to get more creative with trails to hopfully extract supporting evidence.

This week I also replanted the tobacco, and some more yellow pear tomatoes, for more experimentation.  


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