Week 6 - Audio Samples & EKG

 This week I assembled my sound proof box (which has very few sound proofing characteristics). I then tested audio samples of the tomato plants Josh has been growing while I still wait for the tobacco plants to grow. I also took some samples at home with some small plants I have in and out of the house. Using Audacity, our wave graphing software, Josh tried to dissect the sound bites. Unfortunately there was too much background noise and the samples were not taken for nearly long enough. Later this week I will try sampling again hopefully collect useable data. 

I am still working with sound emissions, but have a little thought bubble this week that I tested. I became curious and wondered what would happen if we were to connect a plant to an EKG machine. EKG is a measurement of electrical signals. We found very wide range of frequencies. This denotes that there is some from of potential energy the plants are carrying. 

Plants being tested 

This is a video of one EKG test with explination



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