Week 2 - The Set Up

 Hello fellow researchers!

This week I initiated the first steps of my experiment. I read through the research that I am basing the project on, and have replicated it as closely as possible. I am attempting to detect if plants emit sounds under stressful situations. 

Preliminary steps included planting Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) seeds. Now it is a waiting game until they germinate. There are four test groups; first, a control group which will not be acted upon by any stress foul situation. Next, a drought stress group where water supply will be scarce. The third group will be trimmed often and recorded audibly while doing so. Finally the group which will endure a "cold front" will be tested. Currently each group is sitting in a classroom, where everything is the same, except the specified procedures mentioned. 

I am greatly looking forward to what we find. It's interesting to me because last semester most of the data I found concluded that plants cannot audibly emit sound. I hope to disprove those finding. 

And a big thanks to Josh for letting me in on his research and supplying for the experiment!


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